Verbs and its types with practice questions

Verbs are an essential part of the English language, providing action and meaning to sentences. Understanding the different types of verbs and how to use them correctly is crucial for effective communication. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of verbs in English, including their functions and various forms. Whether you're a student learning English or a writer looking to enhance your skills, mastering the use of verbs is key to becoming a proficient communicator.


Verbs are a fundamental part of speech that convey actions, states, or occurrences in a sentence. They are essential for constructing meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. Verbs often serve as the backbone of a sentence, indicating what the subject is doing, has done, or will do. Understanding verbs is crucial for effective communication in any language.

Types of Verbs:

  1. Action Verbs:

    • These verbs express physical or mental actions.
    • Example: run, eat, think, create, dance
  2. Linking Verbs:

    • Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement (noun, pronoun, or adjective) that describes or renames the subject.
    • Example: The sky is blue. ("is" links the subject "sky" to the adjective "blue")
  3. Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs:

    • These verbs assist the main verb in a sentence, indicating aspects such as tense, mood, or voice.
    • Example: She has finished her homework. ("has" is the auxiliary verb)
  4. Modal Verbs:

    • Modal verbs express possibility, probability, necessity, ability, permission, or requests.
    • Example: He can swim. ("can" expresses ability)
  5. Transitive Verbs:

    • These verbs require a direct object to complete their meaning.
    • Example: She ate an apple. ("ate" is transitive, and "an apple" is the direct object)
  6. Intransitive Verbs:

    • Intransitive verbs do not require a direct object to complete their meaning.
    • Example: The cat slept. ("slept" is intransitive)
  7. Phrasal Verbs:

    • Phrasal verbs consist of a main verb and one or more particles (prepositions or adverbs).
    • Example: They looked up the word in the dictionary. ("looked up" is a phrasal verb)

Usage of Verbs:

  1. Expressing Actions:

    • Example: She writes a blog every week.
  2. Indicating States:

    • Example: The flowers are beautiful.
  3. Linking Elements:

    • Example: This movie is interesting.
  4. Showing Possession:

    • Example: The car belongs to my brother.
  5. Conveying Conditions:

    • Example: If it rains, we will stay indoors.
  6. Expressing Modality:

    • Example: You should finish your homework.


  1. Action Verb: The dog barked loudly.
  2. Linking Verb: The soup smells delicious.
  3. Auxiliary Verb: They have been waiting for hours.
  4. Modal Verb: I can swim in the pool.
  5. Transitive Verb: She bought a new dress.
  6. Intransitive Verb: The sun sets in the west.
  7. Phrasal Verb: He gave up smoking.

Here are 50 sentences that highlight different types of verbs:

  1. Sarah reads a book every night. (Action Verb)
  2. The weather seems nice today. (Linking Verb)
  3. They have completed the project. (Auxiliary Verb)
  4. I can sing very well. (Modal Verb)
  5. He bought a new car yesterday. (Transitive Verb)
  6. The cat slept on the windowsill. (Intransitive Verb)
  7. We looked up the information online. (Phrasal Verb)
  8. The flowers smell wonderful. (Linking Verb)
  9. The students are studying for exams. (Linking Verb)
  10. She cooks delicious meals. (Action Verb)
  11. The sun sets in the evening. (Intransitive Verb)
  12. They have been waiting for hours. (Auxiliary Verb)
  13. He must finish his homework. (Modal Verb)
  14. We visited the museum last week. (Transitive Verb)
  15. The dog barks loudly. (Action Verb)
  16. The cake tastes delicious. (Linking Verb)
  17. I am a teacher. (Linking Verb)
  18. She writes poetry in her free time. (Action Verb)
  19. They were playing in the park. (Auxiliary Verb)
  20. You should exercise regularly. (Modal Verb)
  21. The cat caught the mouse. (Transitive Verb)
  22. The baby cried for hours. (Action Verb)
  23. The sky is clear today. (Linking Verb)
  24. We have seen that movie before. (Auxiliary Verb)
  25. He could solve the puzzle. (Modal Verb)
  26. She picked up the kids from school. (Phrasal Verb)
  27. The coffee smells amazing. (Linking Verb)
  28. The project seems challenging. (Linking Verb)
  29. I baked cookies for the party. (Transitive Verb)
  30. The birds are chirping outside. (Linking Verb)
  31. They had been waiting for the bus. (Auxiliary Verb)
  32. You must finish your chores. (Modal Verb)
  33. The chef cooked a delicious meal. (Transitive Verb)
  34. The river flows swiftly. (Intransitive Verb)
  35. She has completed her assignment. (Auxiliary Verb)
  36. I can speak three languages. (Modal Verb)
  37. The children cleaned up their toys. (Phrasal Verb)
  38. The soup tastes bland. (Linking Verb)
  39. The situation is under control. (Linking Verb)
  40. They were dancing at the party. (Auxiliary Verb)
  41. He ought to apologize for his behavior. (Modal Verb)
  42. The gardener planted new flowers. (Transitive Verb)
  43. The wind blew fiercely. (Intransitive Verb)
  44. We had watched that movie already. (Auxiliary Verb)
  45. The athlete can run very fast. (Modal Verb)
  46. The cat knocked over the vase. (Phrasal Verb)
  47. The coffee tastes bitter. (Linking Verb)
  48. The book seems interesting. (Linking Verb)
  49. I am feeling tired. (Linking Verb)
  50. They are playing in the garden. (Linking Verb)

Can you identify the verbs and their types in the following sentences? Explore each sentence to find the actions, states, or occurrences expressed by the verbs and categorize them into their respective types.

  1. The sun sets in the west.
  2. She has completed the project.
  3. They were playing in the park.
  4. The cat slept on the windowsill.
  5. We visited the museum last week.
  6. The flowers smell wonderful.
  7. He bought a new car yesterday.
  8. The soup tastes delicious.
  9. The situation is under control.
  10. I am a teacher.
  11. The baby cried for hours.
  12. The coffee smells amazing.
  13. The sky is clear today.
  14. We have seen that movie before.
  15. The river flows swiftly.

Give your answers in the comments below.